Huntley Reunions—The 1990s
1990 Reunion
1991 Reunion

during a performance
Talents: professional, amateur, and just-for-fun are displayed during Huntley Talent Night after Saturday dinner. This is a picture of Maria McKinney performing. Maria is a professional musician and at the time of this reunion was involved in a Music Therapy program.

1992 Reunion

A picture of our host Reverend William Huntley, who played his bagpipes for us at many reunions. Our HNA hotel headquarters was across the street from the Mall of America, which opened the Sunday of the reunion, Aug.11, 1992.
1993 Reunion

1994 Reunion
Visiting Salem, Oregon offered reunion go-ers an opportunity to visit Mt. St. Helen’s, site of a volcanic eruption in 1980, and beautiful Crater Lake.

1995 Reunion

Gordon provided different and interesting touches during the Saturday evening meal: a magician entertained each table, and beautiful yellow and white balloons festooned the wall in back of the head table. At the end of the night, Gordon said he had heard that one of the balloons contained $ the children popped every one!
1996 Reunion
For Evelyn Simon and Virgil Huntley
Loisann B. Huntley, Old Lyme, CT
Written for Golden Anniversary Reunion
Old Saybrook, CT, August, 1996
Virgil and Evelyn
Are true inspiration
The heart and soul
Keeping HNA whole
You may not realize
In their quiet guise
How much they do, how much it means,
Their work behind the scenes
Mailing the cards, the bulletins, and booklets,
Scouting and scavenging for Huntley news snippets,
Collecting dues, writing up minutes and letters
Endless research to share heritage better
Seeking connections, the proofs and the hooks
For posterity, getting it published in books:
We know who we are, and how far we've come
We even know who we got our nose from
Virgil and Evelyn would thank many others:
Our brothers, sisters, fathers, and mothers;
They'd tell us it's teamwork, we're not to fuss!
It takes a village, yes, all of us
Still, at this Golden Reunion, 1996
Thank you, Virgil and Evelyn, for the gifts
The gifts you give: Time present, Time past
May our deep appreciation last
For treasures you are
Beyond measure, by far
Heart and Soul,
Keeping HNA whole
1997 Reunion

This was our first reunion in the great state of Arizona! It offered reunion-goers a wonderful opportunity to visit the Grand Canyon.
1998 Reunion

The last time the reunion was held in Canada was in 1958, 40 years ago, in Kentville, Nova Scotia. HNA reunion go-ers enjoyed a city tour in this city of plays and underground shopping.
1999 Reunion

Reunion go’ers enjoyed the opportunity to visit the US Mint, Boulder, and Rocky Mountain National Park.