Royce is seated in the front row, third from the left.
“How it Happened” by Royce
“In 1945 I started a small publication entirely on my own, printed for the Huntley Family. It was called, ‘We, Who are Huntleys’. It was to come out spasmodically (which it did) and I hoped that it would be paid for by appreciative contributions (which it wasn’t). In 1946, after printing two issues and having the typeset for the third, it died of exhaustion. My Journal told me that I had taken in something over $300.00 and the cost of printing, mailing, and general expenses were a little over $900.00. Now in view that this loss of about $600.00 was spread over 1 1/2 years, coupled with the fact, although I made a decent salary, I was always broke anyhow, so that loss didn’t make too much difference. But in the very first issue of ‘We, Who are Huntleys’ page 24, under the heading, ‘I propose’: Proposition I. ‘I propose that a national reunion of the Huntley family be held in Old Lyme, Connecticut, for two or three days in 1947.’ We did just that. On January 26, 1947 at the Crocker House, New London, Connecticut, we decided to try to have a National Reunion on July 3,4, and 5, 1947 at Old Lyme.”
1948 Reunion
Location:Marlow, NH
President:Royce Huntley
Roy D and Anna Huntley,
Fred and Irene Huntley
Special notes:
The first “reunion booklet” was printed by Royce Huntley this year. The genealogy of the Marlow Huntlys was explained. Several of the men served in the Revolutionary War, including Nathan b. 1726 (Aaron II,; Aaron I,; John) and his sons, Rufus, Elisha, and Russell. As was the norm at that time, dinner was prepared by a woman’s church group and served in a public hall.
1949 Reunion
Location:Norwich, VT
President:Robert. E. Huntley
Della Huntley MacAulay,
Josiah D., James M. Huntley
Special notes:
This reunion booklet included the first dedication. It stated, “Let us Pause One Reverent Moment...In Memory of Charles Henry Huntley (1878-1948) Charter Member of HNA.” The first Huntley Talent Night was held at this reunion. Thereafter, both of these became yearly traditions. Also included is an excellent genealogy of Nova Scotia Huntleys.