Guy and Robin HuntleyIn a beautiful setting on the rocky coast of Maine, over 60 Huntleys gathered to enjoy fellowship and family history.Check in starts the fun“Evelyn didn’t tell me what hard work this is!”
Early Birds gather friends, new and old
Marcia Maloney and Jim and Pat Strickland stopped in to visit with their Huntley relatives on their way up the coast !
Maine-style Saturday Night Dinner and Entertainment
Virgil digs into his lobsterOur distinguished President, Herb Hartman, enjoys his Maine lobster
Huntley Entertainment!
Bill Huntley, of Wolfboro, New Hampshire, delights us with his playing. He made the banjo himself!Doris, Joyce, and Deborah charm us with their singingKirk Armstrong sings a love song to his wife, Joyce, on their 40th Wedding Anniversary