Generations of Huntleys enjoy the beauty of Big Sky, Montana, in A Tribute to Chet
ChetHosted by Ray and Gail Raser and familyThank you, Gail and Ray, for a great reunion!Chet’s niece Kristin and her daughter, KellyPresident Gordon, his daughter, Diane and her son, TonyMelanie Clay-Smith and daughter SerenaMary Ruth and mother, Beatrice, 100 years young in September!
Thursday: Our Trip to Yellowstone National Park
Old Faithful before an eruptionOld Faithful during an eruption
Saturday Evening Festivities
Visiting with one of our special guests, Chet Huntley Biographer Lyle Johnston
Wild West Contest Night!
And our winner is.... Lori from Rhode Island!And she juggles, too!
Next year, maybe a singing contest?
A new Huntley song is created!Diane and sons sing Follow the Yellow Brick Road and the Meow Symphony!