
Hello, I’m your friendly, neighborhood webmaster. My name is Ryan, and for some bizarre reason, the folks running this place decided to leave me in charge of this website. Crazy! I know! I thought the same thing! But here I am! =)
Just in case you wanted to check out some of my other work....
- Walking 4 Fun: This site allows you to virtually walk long-distance trails such as the Appalachian and Pacific Crest Trails. You’ll also notice a strong resemblance to this website since I copied the basic design of this site from Walking 4 Fun.
- Atlas Quest: If you like hunting for miniature works of art hidden in parks and forests around the world, you might be interested in a hobby called letterboxing—and this site is the go-to site for letterboxers.
- The Soda Can Stove: You can make a small stove out of soda cans! Learn how here.